Mariam Naiem, Yulia Vus & Ivan Kypibida, «A Brief History of a Long War of Ukraine with russia» (передзамовлення)
590.00 ₴ Оригінальна ціна: 590.00 ₴.450.00 ₴Поточна ціна: 450.00 ₴.
A brief summary of the entire history of everything between Ukraine with Russia in graphic format!
46 в наявності
Можлива оплата частинами від 900₴ через сервіс Приватбанку або при виборі опції «оплата частинами в Монобанку» у WayforPay
This is a pre-order. We expect the book to be published in March 2025!
This is a maliopys about our long war with russia. During the years of full-scale war, there have been many stories, including graphic ones, where foreigners talk about our war. But we are living in this war. And it was important for us to tell about it ourselves. So that both we and foreigners could see it through our eyes, how we feel about it.
Here is a reminder that from a historical point of view, wars are never simple stories, but from a personal point of view, it is a simple question: will I live or not? The historical context of the russian-Ukrainian war, from the Middle Ages to modern Ukraine, emphasizes the ongoing nature of the conflict, its political roots and parallels in time.
And, of course, this book is about our lives now, because behind every conflict there are real people with real stories, forever changed by the chaos of war.
A book I will return to more than once. A comprehensive, scary, intelligent narrative about the events that have shaped us in the past and now leave unhealed wounds on our history. And life. — Oleksandr Mykhed, writer
The publication rights have already been sold:
Poland (Timof),
Finland (Tammi),
France (World French, Hachette Livre).
Written by Mariam Naiem
Illustrated by Yulia Vus & Ivan Kypibida
Translated from Ukrainian by Nata Hrytsenko
Literary editor Yaryna Tsoba
Proofreader Olha Zhyrnova
Layout by Bohdan Mokriiev and Kateryna Bazarova
Art director and technical editor Eliash Strongowski
Editor Lilia Omelianenko
Presented images aren’t final
The creation of this maliopys is an initiative of the Vydavnytstvo. The project has no grant or sponsorship support. No generative artificial intelligence was used in the creation of the maliopys .
Вага | 0.7 кг |
Розміри | 18 × 27 × .5 см |
Оправа |
тверда |
Кількість сторінок |
104 |
Колір |
чорний + пантон |
Папір |
Матовий Amber 120 |
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